International Coffee Day

Today, people worldwide celebrate coffee!

International Coffee Day
Billions of people worldwide start their day with a cup of coffee.

Coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide; people drink over 2.5 billion cups daily. Hot or iced coffee offers a refreshing and rich taste that facilitates a sense of community by bringing people together. Every day, millions of people worldwide congregate inside restaurants, shops, and local coffee houses to exchange ideas and have a good conversation over a rejuvenating drink. With such a solid societal bond, it isn't hard to understand why an international community would come together and create a day out of the year dedicated solely to coffee.

What is the International Coffee Day?

International Coffee Day is a time for fellow coffee lovers to unite and express their love for coffee. It is a day to recognize all the hard work that ensures the constant replenishing of the world's highest-selling drink. This day also promotes the many benefits, the history, and the enthusiasm coffee offers the world around us.

When was the first celebration held?

Established by the International Coffee Organization (IOC) out of London, the first International Coffee Day was on October 1, 2015, in Milan, Italy.

When is International Coffee Day?

The ICO has designated October 1 as the official International Coffee Day.

Celebrated around the globe

Seventy-seven nations recognize International Coffee Day. The USA, China, South Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, and Peru all celebrate It, reaching every continent except Antarctica.

The most celebrated drink on this day

With such a variety of blends and concoctions, there will surely be a drink to please every individual's palette. From hot espressos to an iced frappuccino, there is something for everyone. But the one-handed out above the rest is a simple black coffee.

A barista prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks.

Perks on this day

To commemorate this glorious day, many establishments offer freebies to their patrons. These could include a reusable mug or a free coffee, hot or iced.

What International Coffee Day means to many people

The day isn't just an excuse to get overly caffeinated and parade around town, exclaiming your love for coffee. It's a time to reflect on all the large and small details that go into each cup. It starts in the fields where farmers cultivate the beans and send them for processing. Truck drivers deliver the finished products to your favorite coffee shop, where a barista prepares your favorite drink just as you like it. International Coffee Day recognizes the entire chain of events that are producing coffee.

Traditionally, you can harvest coffee by hand in one of two ways: strip or selective picking.

The difference between National Coffee Day and ICD

Many countries celebrate a day of coffee in one form or another. The only key
difference is the days celebrated. The United States, for instance,
celebrates on September 29. Brazil celebrates May 24. Even though the
International Coffee Organization designates October 1 as International Coffee Day; many countries have chosen a more intimate day with coffee.

Billions of people worldwide love coffee. Its rich and robust taste provides a delightful experience to those seeking a small break from their daily lives. So, on International Coffee Day, whether enjoying your favorite drink in a small coffee house or from the comfort of your home, take a moment to appreciate how particular this magical bean is. I need some coffee now! ☕️

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